C2 & Autonomy software for your mission
Blending simplicity and power as functional art
Software Command & Control
Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Swarming
Team group 1 to group 5 UVs of air, sea, and land domains for your mission requirements
Manned and Unmanned Vehicle Teaming (MUM-T)
Pair UV teammates with crewed forces to plan, conduct, and analyze successful missions
Takes more of the cognitive burden off human operators/supervisors and serves as a force multiplier to make the human and machine a more capable team.
Autonomy in System Design
Testing of 3rd-party counter-UAS systems, training aids for organizations preparing for deployment, testing detection and tracking systems, identifying gaps, hardening protection of high value assets, etc.
Counter UAS & Red-Teaming Services
Software Designed for Human Operators
Advanced situational awareness & ease of mission editing
Manned-Unmanned Teaming in high workload conditions
Simple and clear Handoff to any control node
For software licensing and packaging contact sales@autonodyne.com
Software for your UVs
Autonodyne software has been integrated on more than 60 makes/models of unmanned platforms. Enabling support for 15 communication protocols, 16 datalink radios, and the ability to host the software on multiple hardware platforms.
Autonomy Behaviors
Autonodyne’s library of software behaviors permits your vehicle or team of vehicles to perform a variety of mission-specific maneuvers autonomously.
For a complete inventory of our behaviors see Autonomy Behaviors.
Multi-Vehicle Control
Designed to support swarm interoperability that can be handed off to other control nodes while still inflight, allowing transfer of control or mission data between various commanders, services, and/or coalition partners.
Trained to sense environment, generate a shared "world view", ingest human intent, and decide how to collaboratively accomplish the mission.
Uses a task-based approach (e.g. Autonomy Behaviors) to provide operationally relevant functionality relayed to the human on-the-loop serving as force multipliers.
Multi-Domain Operations
Utilizes multiple types of Uvs to perform "wolf pack" like behaviors. Heterogenous groupings/teams perform multi-domain missions and tasks.
About Our Team
Careers & Internships
Internship Program
Paid internships are available to outstanding students pursuing careers in the computer science and autonomy industries. Interns work along with Autonodyne staff on a variety of assignments, receive mentorship, and quickly gain experience. Applications are on a rolling basis. For inquiries, please email HR@autonodyne.com.